Refresh and Sculpt with CoolSculpting Elite

by Travis Keller | Apr 15, 2024
coolsculpting toned sculpt stomach

As spring approaches, you’re likely considering ways to refresh your body to prepare for the warm season. The good news is, if you’re in Buckhead, Georgia, an elegant solution to body contouring is within your reach at Keller Aesthetic Specialists. Performed by Travis Keller, we’re excited to introduce our top choice for non-surgical fat reduction: CoolSculpting Elite.

What is CoolSculpting Elite?

CoolSculpting Elite is a revolutionary procedure that uses cooling technology to reduce body fat significantly. This innovative fat tissue-freezing process destroys fat cells in the targeted area, making achieving your body contouring goals easier. CoolSculpting Elite is a non-invasive, quick procedure that requires no recovery time, fitting seamlessly into your spring refresh plans.

Why Choose CoolSculpting Elite at Keller Aesthetic Specialists?

At Keller Aesthetic Specialists, we prioritize your comfort and satisfaction. Under the expert supervision of Travis Keller, our qualified team is dedicated to helping you achieve the sculpted body you desire in the safest, most effective way possible.

Present locally in Buckhead, we pride ourselves on our strong community bonds. We’re not just a medical practice but a part of your neighborhood. Our state-of-the-art practice ensures each procedure is performed with precision and care, using the most advanced technologies available. You can trust us for your CoolSculpting Elite treatment in Buckhead.

Common Questions about CoolSculpting Elite

We understand that making decisions about your body and embracing new procedures can be overwhelming. Which is why we’re here to answer some common questions about CoolSculpting Elite:

Is CoolSculpting Elite safe?

Yes, it is. CoolSculpting Elite is FDA-cleared and trusted worldwide to safely and effectively reduce unwanted fat.

Does it hurt?

Most patients feel a chilly sensation initially, which usually subsides as the area numbs. You might feel slight discomfort, but it’s generally well-tolerated and reduces as the treatment area becomes numb.

When will I see the results?

Patients usually notice changes as quickly as three weeks after treatment. Full results are typically seen two months after the procedure, and they continue to develop for up to six months after treatment.

Tips for Post CoolSculpting Elite Care

After the procedure, you must maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise routine for the best results. Remember, CoolSculpting Elite is not a weight loss treatment but a body contouring process to enhance your figure.

We recommend drinking plenty of water and practicing gentle massages on the treated area to assist your body in flushing the destroyed fat cells.

At Keller Aesthetic Specialists, your journey towards a more confident you is our ultimate goal. Trust us with your CoolSculpting Elite procedure in Buckhead, and let’s welcome spring with a refreshed, sculpted body! For more information about CoolSculpting Elite, please click here.

Schedule a Consultation

If you want to see if CoolSculpting Elite is the right cosmetic treatment for your needs, Contact Keller Aesthetic Specialists in Buckhead, Georgia,  today by filling out our online contact form to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve your desired toned and slim look!